Welcome To The MVS Christchurch & Bournemouth Unit
If you would like to know more about the MVS as a national body please click Here
We are based at Christchurch in Dorset and operate within the harbour, it's tributaries and coastal waters. The location provides a wide range of conditions ideal for training and furthering your maritime experience.If you already have practical knowledge or are keen to learn we're always on the lookout for more members. So whatever walk of life you are from please come along and see us. We meet up every Wednesday evening at 7.30 pm for meetings and classroom sessions and at weekends we are out on the water putting training into practice.
As a member you can also get involved in our activities providing services to the local community.
Our boat, an ex RNLI D Class inshore lifeboat, patrols Christchurch Harbour, manned by a volunteer crew who give their free time to assist the public and promote safety on the local waters.
We are a totally self funded branch of the Maritime Volunteer Service, a national charity reliant on donations from you our supporters.
If you are interested in joining and would like to know more please see our contact details
Community Activities
MVS Christchurch provides a presence on the water assisting with towing, radio communication, security observations and maritime support at local events such as local regattas.
We also support the local council, the emergency services and the community as a whole in, safety, security and environmental conservation.